Arahne supports open source

Arahne supports open source

Arahne started development of textile CAD on UnixWare in 1992, then in 1997 we ported the software to Linux and in 2013 to Mac OS X.
We have always used open source libraries in parts of our software, and we have also released ArahPaint as open source.
Some libraries, which we use in ArahWeave and ArahDrape were no longer developed, we have hired and paid a programmer to add the features we needed, and released the improved versions as open source.
In this way we give back to the community, whose work we have enjoyed for free.
The new version of Arahne software, which uses those libraries, will be released this week.
We were able to solve some old open issues in internationalization (display and use of national characters), and Arahne will be able to satisfy the needs of its worldwide users in finest details.